Friday 11 November 2011

"Maybe I Should Just Do A Degree In Colouring In?"

Although it does just look like I've coloured something in it was A LOT harder then that. For 5 years its been buried into my head that I need primary or secondary sources to draw from, this however was total imagination and I think was one on the hardest things to do ever. Trying to get something from your brain onto paper was just hell. I've decided I want my bf who's doing product design to design something that connects to your brain and projects the image onto paper.. This would be a dream.

But anyway, this was for a piece of text for the City Book brief. The book the text is taken from is called "Invisible cities" by Italo Calvino. If you get a chance, try reading some of the text from his book. The text itself is.. when you get your head round it beautiful but trying to make illustrations for a piece of text about a city that never existed is harder then you think.

"In the coastline's haze, the sailor discerns the form of a camels withers, an embroidered saddle with glittering fringe between two spotted humps, advancing and swaying"

Above is my interpretation of the above quote without making it too literal.

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