Tuesday 29 March 2011

Time To Make A Change


Looking into advertising, photography and other fields within graphics communication there seems to be an obvious tool that all fields really on. EDITING SOFTWARE.

Adobe Photoshop and other editing software give us huge advantages, you can make photos look better and seem sharper, you can digitally make collages, you can make advertisements and poster and so on. But its tools like these that are know getting a bad vibe from certain areas of public because its being taken to the extreme.

For example looking towards fashion: magazines such as Elle and vogue use editing tools in most of there photos. The most common one that is in some ways becoming the “norm” is Airbrushing. What this does is wipes away blemishes, wrinkles and any imperfect thing surrounding the skin. You may say that Airbrushing has been around since the 1800s but was it really to the extreme that it is today?

Going beyond this Photoshop can go so much further than just airbrushing, you can make people thinner or change the shape of there body. Also there height can be changed and generally anything to make the look perfect.

Photoshop has so many different tools for different circumstance but because of the physical things that can be change, it leaves us questioning whether the picture in front of has the “real” aspects that photoshop tends to get rid of.

In society today it is fair to say that all girls look up to models and celebs that often appear on magazines. This leaves the in a bad situation because girls often want to be like the lady there looking at in the magazine. Looking at it from a 15 year olds view id say I felt cheated. Were being made to believe that there perfect and they have amazing skin when really its been airbrushed and "photoshoped".

This also leaves further damage because if girls are growing up believing that girls/women can truly look like the airbrushed photos they've been looking at, girls are never going to be confident with themselves.

My project evolves around photoshop, the good the bad and the truly ugly. The effects of photoshop are unreal and I will be manipulating phtoshoped photos to show what could really LIES beneath.

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