Monday, 30 May 2011

Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance.

This program is currently being shown on channel 4. The well known Super Nanny Jo Frost sets out to help parents and there children get over their weaknesses. What i would like to focus on is the first episode of the program were Jo Frost helps an eleven year old girl get her confidence back about her appearance. The Girl, Bronwyn has huge issues with her whole appearance and critically compares herself to the celebrities and models she sees in magazines. Along with this Browyn wont leave the house without spending two hours doing her hair and make-up. This shocks me because I have a sister that is eleven years old and thankfully she has not hit the stage of being weary if her hair is out of place. At the age of eleven there still at primary school. I personally didn't start wearing makeup until i was 14, to me this shows how society has changed, and how girls are becoming more critical of themselves so early in there life.

Bronwyn spends huge amounts of money on cleansers, exfoliater's and moisturizers that women use, i don't even spend money on products like this as i find facial wipes take makeup off and clean my skin just as good.

Watching this program gave me a real insight into the way come young girls think about themself, even today i feel theres almost a huge competition to try and look better then somebody else. Knowing this i feel quite angry that this is how women feel, they cant just be themselves.

Towards the end of the episode Jo frost take Bronwyn to a photoshoot were both Bronwyn and Jo Frost have there photos taken. With Jo's photos they edit them so she looks younger, slimmer and healthier. Showing how they edit photos to Bronwyn makes her think that the women shes been looking at in magazines aren't reality, they have there less imperfect parts just like anyone else, but they've been edit so we feel like we can look up to them.

1 comment:

  1. Where can I find this video? I really need it for my final paper..
